With its unique “Hunter mode”, Revo Uninstaller offers you some simple, easy to use but effective and powerful approaches to manage (uninstall, stop, delete, disable from auto starting) and to get information about your installed and/or running applications. Many addition tools are included in Revo Uninstaller.
Here is the list of all tools and utilities included: Auto Start Manager, Windows tools manager, junk files cleaner, browsers history cleaner, Office history cleaner, Windows history cleaner, unrecoverable delete tool, evidence remover
Here are some key features of “Revo Uninstaller”:
· Revo Uninstaller is completely free - no charge, no adware, no spyware;
· You can uninstall your application easily and correctly;
· You can view all details of a certain application installed on your computer;
· You can use an innovative “Hunter mode” to uninstall, kill and delete applications;
· You can use a “Drag and Drop” mode to uninstall, kill and delete applications;
· You can view and manage applications loaded when Windows startup;
· You can clean any junk, temporary and unnecessary files from your drives;
· You can have fast access to the most useful Windows build-in tools;
· You can erase all your history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape browsers;
· You can erase recent document history in Microsoft Office products since version 2000;
· You can erase most important traces you had left while you had been working with Windows;
· You can permanently delete all your already deleted files so they become unrecoverable by any software;
· You can securely delete any existing file or folder so it become unrecoverable by any software
· Pentium - compatible CPU133 MHz or
· higher64 megabytes (MB) of RAM
· 10 MB of free Hard Disk space
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